STARTER: A phenomenal conversation with Rocky The Restaurateur includes which plate is - in his words - a “phenomenal conversation starter”
SECOND COURSE: Saffron Urban Indian Kitchen
DESSERT: Saffron Urban Indian Kitchen Restaurant Week Prix Fixe Menu
DRINKS: A chilled 40 oz. bottle of vintage Colt 45 Malt Liquor (“It works every time!”)(Sommeliers recommend one of these every time you listen to an OMAPOD - it makes me funnier and smarter!)
Evan Bland of the World-Herald gets you ready for gameday with a nice 100-year celebratory look at the mysteries and quirks of Memorial Stadium.
Authorities look for missing Omaha inmate. It’s fine, I’m sure. What’s he look like, just in case? Gulp. He looks dangerous and scary as hell! Seriously! Look at that photo - he’s got freakin’ fangs tattooed across his forehead/skull! I’m not even joking. Where’s CNN? Where’s the cavalry? Where’s that dog from Pennsylvania? I was kinda hoping that Pennsylvania ordeal had everyone diligently double-checking things and keeping a closer eye on people and whatnot. What…not? It’s all gonna be fine. It’s just fine. (Triple-checks that door is locked). It’s fine.
Incidentally - ‘After Dinner Mints’ - GREAT band name!
Don’t forget to tip your podcaster - and have an excellent weekend!!!
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