Joe Chapuran on our sister cities & international busiNEss

Joe Chapuran on our sister cities & international busiNEss

The right-hand man to Governors & Mayors takes us inside high-stakes trade missions

What do you get out of our sister city relationships?

Go click play above and find out how to acquire your complimentary fruit basket, gift bag, robe and frequent flyer miles!

Okay, that’s a joke… please don’t bother the good folks about that at the Omaha Sister Cities Association (try saying that six times fast - actually, don’t - people will think you’re on edibles).

But - do give it a listen to find out: Where are our sister cities…and what does that even mean and entail, anyway? And, all joking aside - you could actually get some free stuff* if you’re traveling to one of them… (* - the aforementioned ‘free stuff’? Pride.)

They do benefit our community in a number of surprising ways.


We also get an amazing international tour of what it’s like to travel with the Governor or Mayor and their entourage on a sensitive overseas trade mission - what happens during their briefings, at the negotiating table, what’s the end game and what is it like when China’s really upset that Taiwan is the next stop on the itinerary?



  • Longtime contributor B.J. Huchtemann says goodbye to The Reader - which is ceasing publication soon - and updates us on co-founder John Heaston’s battle with leukemia in this essay, “See You on the Dance Floor.”

It’s getting - *COUGH* - hazy… too hazy to see the keyboard.

I feel faint.

It’s Thursday.